Tiny Tots 
(3-4 years – Must be 3 years old by 1 Oct )

Under 6 to Under 17 
aged based on 1 Oct
~ if 5 yrs old on 1 Oct then under 6

2 children in family

3 or More per family

Come & Try (two weeks only)

Registration fees include:
Summer Season Sept to March
Winter X-Country: May to August


How can I help?
There are many ways you can help out – we are always looking for volunteers:
Age Group Leaders
Age group leaders play an essential part in ensuring the success of our meets. The role is to ensure the events run smoothly and that all parents play their part. The Committee members will provide all the support needed. Please consider volunteering for this important role.
Parent Assistance Roster
This year instead of an age group roster, we will be requiring parents to nominate for an activity such as BBQ, Canteen, set up and pack up. This should mean that each parent will only have to assist for 2 weeks throughout the season. We will be in touch with you!
What if it is too hot?
The Centre weather policy states that if the forecast temperature (as announced on local radio station on the morning of the meet) is more than 36 degrees, the meet will be cancelled.If the forecast temperature is 36 degrees or less, the meet will proceed, although a reduced program may be offered if the Centre executive feel the conditions warrant this.Other extreme weather conditions (wind,rain,etc) may lead to the cancellation or reduction of a meet.
Can I wear spikes?
Athletes in the Under 12 age group and above may wear spike shoes with spikes fitted in the following events:
Track -100m, 200m, 400m, 60m hurdles, 90m hurdles, 100m hurdles, 200m hurdles.
Field – Long, Triple, High Jumps and Javelin.
Athletes in the Under 9 to Under 11 age groups may wear spike shoes with the spikes removed in the following events:
Track – 70m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 60m hurdles.
Field – Long, Triple, High Jumps and Javelin.
Spikes must not exceed 7mm in length.This is for the safety of all athletes.